Saturday, January 24, 2015

Thomas Hanson's Journal. Journal of his trip on the Ohio River in 1774. Big Bone Lick.

Thomas Hanson's Journal

April 7 - August 9 1774
Journal oF his trip on the Ohio River in 1774.

edited by

Avi Hathor, M. S., M. F. A.

Note the entry for the 12th: "We proceeded down to a Creek 8 miles which lies within 3 miles of the big Bone Lick. There was 1000 acres surveyed for William Christian, about the Lick."

Big Bone Lick

April 7th. 8th. We left Col, Wm Preston's in Fincastle County at one o'clock in high spirits, escorted by the Col. three miles, eight of us being in company, viz Mr. John Floyd assistant surveyor, Mr. Douglas, Do. Mr, Hite, Mr, Dalldridge, Thos Hanson, James Nocks [Knox.] Roderick Mc Cra & Mordecai Batson. We travelled fifteen miles to John Mc. Guffin's at Sinking Creek.
9th. We rose early in the morning, and crossed Rich Creek mountain & travelled 27 miles to Robt. Carliles and were entertained very well according to the People's ability
10th. We travelled to Mr. Hardy's, 27 miles the land mountanious with some good bottoms or pieces of Low Grounds,
12th. We travelled to Mr. Kelly's old house 15 miles over a Mountain, and bought a brass kettle for 18 shillings.
12th. We travelled about 30 miles over a Ridge and Hills & stopped at a Laurel Branch.
13th. We traveled about 27 miles -- crossing Gauly Mountain, & overtook Mr. Hancock Taylor, assistant surveyor & his Companey of seven men and Himself.
14th. We arrived at Mr. Kelly's below the falls of New River -- 24 miles where we expected to have got a canoe, but were disappointed, Taylor likewise stopped to make a Canoe, and Mr. Floyd hearing there was one at Elk River unfinished hired a man at 3s per day to go & finish it.
15th. We proceeded 14 miles down the river passing by the burning springs -- which is one of the wonders of the world. Put a blaze of pine within 3 or 4 inches of the water, and immediately the water Wlll be in a flame, & Continue so until it is put out by the Force of wind. The Springs are small and boil continually like a Pot on the Fire; the water is black has a Taste of Nitre. The spring never rises above its Bank, nor does any water run from it above ground, tho' it continually boils up. One of the springs was dry, at the time we were there -- and the earth in the hole of it was burning.
16th. We proceeded to Elk River ,64 6 miles & found the canoe on the opposite shore of New River. Mr Floyd and a stranger went out to hunt; whilst we finished the canoe, which was done when he returned, after shooting a Deer & a Pike 43 inches long.
17th. We called our canoe the Good-Hope, imbarked on board of her, sailed 9 miles down the river, there saw two canoes ashore, which caused us to land, We found Majr Fields in company, who gave us some Bear meat, which was acceptable at that time, as we had no Provisions. The People informed us, that the Indians had placed themselves on both sides of the Ohio. and that they intended war. The Delaware Indians told them that the Shawnese intended to rob the Pensylvainans & kill the Virginians where ever they could meet with them, We parted with them & proceeded to Crab River 3 miles.
18th. We surveyed 2000 acres of Land for Col. Washington, bordered by Coal River & the Canawagh. Mr. Dandriclge crossed Coal River, & lost himself. which put Mr. Floyd to a great deall of trouble to find him in the night. Mr. Taylor and his company joined us. The Bottoms or Low Grounds here are but narrow & not very good. We catched a Cat fish that weighed 40 pounds.
19th. We passed on from hence, passing Pokatalico River at 6 miles, to a bottom Mr. Hogg is improving in all 14 miles, Mr. Hogg confirmed the news we had of the Indians. He says there were 13 People who intended to settle on the Ohio. and the Indians came upon them and a battle ensued. The white People killed 3 Indians (imagined to be Chiefs) and then fled. This caused the Indians to hold a council & they are determined to kill the Virginians and rob the Pensylvanians. This is a very good bottom. & there is a Pine. & a Cherry Tree, within 19 feet of each other; they are 3 feet in Diameter .
20th. We proceeded to the mouth of the Kanawha, 26 miles. At our arrival we found 26 People there on different designs -- Some to cultivate land. others to attend the surveyors. They confirm the same story of the Indians. One of them could speak Indian language. therefore Mr. Floyd & the other Surveyors offered him 3 per month to go with them, which he refused, and told us to take care of our scalps. We passed but one botto'm which is within 7 miles of the mouth of the River. & I am informed it runs 20 miles deep & is good Land, is on the South Side about 6 miles broad on the side of the River. On the North point, where we met the People is very fit for a fort, and to my opinion does not overflow which is not the case of the other bottoms.69 Mr. Floyd and the other Surveyors were received with great joy by the people here.
2Ist. Mr. Floyd wrote to Coln. Preston letting him know how affairs are at present & what happened on tbe joumey. Mr. Floyd and the rest of the People are in high Spirits, and determined to go down the river, to do the business they came on & try the consequences unless a superior Force should attack them,
22nd. The Company consisting of 18 men with 4 Canoes proceeded down the Ohio River, Messrs. Floyd & Taylor going on foot down the other side about 10 miles to a Creek. On the East. Side, the Bottoms are narrow, but on the West side of the Ohio they appear broader. We passed 2 small Islands.
23rd. We aired, and dried our small stores and some of the Company went a hunting,
24th, We proceeded down to the little Giandot 14 miles, the Bottoms good that we passed and even but not very large. We found a Battoe loaded with com, we took about 3 Bushels of it with us,
25th, We waited for the rest of the Company that we left at the mouth of New River The River Ohio fell 2 feet within 24 Hours and we found a spring at the foot of the Bank.
26th, At 3 o'clock this aftemoon 3 men came to our Camp, who had been 20 miles below us and were alarmed by Indians, & made their escapes, 2 of them joined Mr Floyd, viz Nash & Mr. Glen, and Lawrence Darnell joined Mr. Taylor.
27th Mr Douglas & Mr Hite joined us with 13 men, which makes us 37 strong. But the alarm before mentioned occasioned 4 to return back, viz Mr. Dandridge, Taylor, Holloway & Waggoner, which reduced us to 33 but we proceeded down to Great Giandot 20 miles. We saw 4 Deleware Indian men & about 14 squaws besides children, Who gave us to understand that there were 50 Indians below us. The Bottoms we passed are good land, But low consiquently overflow very much.
28th. We were stopt by rainy weather.
29th. We proceeded to Big Sandy Creek, passing little Sandy Creek at six miles, thence to Big Sandy 7 miles is one continued Bottom, in all 13 miles, where we stopet and cooked our kettle, and then embarked in our Canoes, and floated all night. In the morning we discovered that we had floated 25 miles.
30th. We proceeded 15 miles to a Creek called 4 Mile creek, where we stopt to hunt, except Mr. Hite and two of his men, who proceeded. After we had killed some meat, Mr. Floyd did not think it proper to let Mr. Hite go on alone. We therefore proceeded 4 miles lower, which brought us opposite to the mouth of the River Sciota. By this time it was dark, but we saw Mr. Hite's Fire and call to him, but he would not answer, therefore we landed below the Fire, and went thro' the woods with caution, until we discovered it to be Mr. Hite and his men. On the upper side of 4 Mile Creek is very good land, I suppose to the Quantity of 2 or 3000 acres.
May Ist, It being Sunday we took our rest, and looked at an old Fort we found about 4 or 5()() yards from the Banks of the River. It is a square Figure, each sid.e 300 Paces long. It has 4 Gates and 2 Sally Ports, and it is so antient, that the Indians cannot tell when it was built, or by whome. There has been an Indian Town there formerly & there is some remains of it to this Day ,71
2nd. Wemade a survey of this Bottom for Paterick Henry. It contains 4 or 500 acres, of very good land, including the Fort & Town. There is a Sycamore tree 37 feet in Circumferance on this bottom. The River here is 494 1/2 yards wide. At 9 o'clock we embarked, and went down 7 miles, then landed and Surveyed a Bottom, which Contains 5 or 600 acres for Wm. Henry. The land is excessive good. From there we proceeded 13 miles lower down the River, passed Shot Pouch Creek, five miles below the last Bottom we surveyed. The Bottoms here are but small & not very good. We had rain this night which gave us wet skins, as we were ill provided.
3rd. We proceeded 4 miles lower to Salt Lick Creek, and made a survey of 200 acres, the Bottoms narrow & beachey, We had a hard frost this night, which killed almost every thing that was green.
4th. We proceeded 5 miles lower, and then Mr. Floyd made a survey of 2000 acres on a large Bottom which runs 5 miles down the River, and ends opposite to an Island, whereon we lodged. This night the Frost was very severe,74 the Island is called Oppony Island.
5th. We proceeded 5 miles lower and then landed on a bottom, which Mr. Floyd surveyed for Mr. John May. It contains about 700 acres, very good land. was frost again this night. We lay on a very large Island opposite our Survey.
6th. We proceeded 3 miles and then landed on a Bottom, which Mr. Floyd surveyed It runs on the River 3 miles, but is narrow , he. finished the survey at a small Creek, which he called Nashes creek from his valiant behaviour on the following occurrence. While we were surveying, Nash hunted thro' the Bottom & at the Creek met with two Indians, who called him Brother, but attempted to change Guns with him, which Nash refused. When they found he would not change, They would have killed him for her, but he was much an his guard, and they had but one Gun between them. Therefore by his Quickness & Alertness, he got Clear. Soon after the Indian that had no Gun overtook one McCulloch and took his double barriled Rifel from him. This alarmed us, and 12 men went in search of the Indians, 6 of them ane Way & 6 another. The first 6 men saw the Indian, that had taken the Gun & one of the men fired at him but missed him, we kept under arms until evening. and then embarked & floated 4 miles down the River, & then landed,
7th. We rose early this moming and serched the woods for Indians, bt1t fot1nd none. We then embarked and went 14 miles down to a small rt1n, passing Lee's Creek,77 where lies a small Bottom of land, Surveyed 200 acres on Brackin's Creek for Thos. Hanson good land with a high Ridge on the back of it. We had heavy Rain & Thunder.
8th. We proceeded 19 miles down the river then encamped, The Bottoms narrow & broken.
9th. We proceeded to Locust Creek 12 miles, & there began a Survey on the Bottom which extended 7 miles, & Contains 3000 acres. We lay all night at the end of the bottom. The land very good.
10th. We proceeded down the River, passed Little Miamia at 2 miles went from thence to Licking Creek 8 miles. A survey was made on the upper side of this Creek, good land & there is part of the bottom on the lower side not Surveyed very good, we proceeded II miles lower & then encampt; It Thundered & rained this night.
11th. We rose early in the moming, & proceeded down 6 miles, which brought us to a Bottom of good land. We made a survey of the same for Doct. Hugh Mercer, containing 1000 acres. 4 miles below this Bottom, is great Miamia coming in on the Western side of it. There is a fine Bottom on the Eastern side of the Ohio, not surveyed. We proceeded 12 miles lower down to an Island & there encamped.
12th. We proceeded down to a Creek 8 miles which lies within 3 miles of the big Bone Lick. There was 1000 acres surveyed for William Christian, about the Lick. The Land is not so good as the other Bottoms, likewise a little broken. There is a number of large Teeth to seen about this Lick, which the People imagined to be Elephants, There is one Seven Feet & three Inches long. It is nine inches in Diameter at one End and five inches at the other.
13th. Mr. Douglass made a Survey of 2000 acres on the upper side of the Creek for Mr. William Christian, good land. At Mr Douglasses return, we embarked & floated down the River to Kentucky, 47 miles & by daybreak landed. In our passage we came to an Indian Camp, landed & found two Delewares, & a Squaw, we gave them Some [??] & Salt.
14th. Our Company divided, eleven men went up to Harrod's Company one hundred miles up the Kentucky on Louisa River. (n. b. Capt Harrod has been there many months building a kind of Town &c.) in order to make improvements. This day a quarrel arose between Mr. Lee and Mr. Hyte. Lee cut a stick and gave Hite a whipping with it, upon which Mr. Floyd demanded the Kings Peace, which stopt it sooner than it would have ended if he had not been there.
15th. We lay here in hopes of somebody's coming down to let us know where the Line came down the Ohio, ( i. e. the line Col. Donaldson run between us & the Cherokees, which line is said to be Kentucky River Itself). We saw a Canoe coming down which stopt as soon as they perceived us, & we saw no more of them.
16th. Mr. Floyd and Mr. Taylor surveyed eight miles & a quarter up the side of the Ohio, but the land is not so good as the other Bottoms we passed for it is Beachy & of a more sour nature.
17th. Mr. Floyd and Mr. Hite & 5 men with them went 20 miles up Kentucky to a Salt Spring, where we saw about 300 Buffaloes collected together. The Bottoms were broken & Beachy all the way we went up. Mr. Floyd landed several times to 100k at the land, But found none to please him.
18th. We looked over the land & examined the spring of salt water. The land is worth nothing but the springs if collected together would afford a very good salt work. Mr Floyd offered Mr. Hite his men to assist him to make his Survey there; but Mr. Hite neglected it.
19th. Went into the country for 8 or 10 miles & find it something better than at the springs ; but seemed rather of a sour nature. Mr. Floyd with three men went by land to see the country Mr. Hite & 2 men returned to the Canoes & floated down the River.
20th. We found Mr. Floyd & his 3 men within 9 miles of the mouth of the Kentucky at a creek which we called Bear Creek. We all embarked & went down to the mouth of the Kentucky.
21st. Mr. Floyd surveyed 600 acres of land on the lower side of the mouth of Kentucky which takes in little Kentucky for Col. Preston. The land is very good, but I think some of it overflows.
22nd. In the evening we embarked and went down the river three miles & half, leaving a letter at the mouth of Kentucky to direct any Person or Persons that followed the line how to find us.
23d. As we were on a bottom, Mr Taylor surveyed 1000 acres & then Mr Douglas began at his line, & Surveyed another 1000 acres, which took in the Bottom, except a small point at the lower end. It is 7 miles long. We campt at the lower end, Good land. 24th. Mr. Floyd went on the top of the hill from the River & surveyed a tract of land which is good and well Timbered & watered. We encampt 5 miles below on a small bottom, where it rained in the time.
25th. Mr Floyd surveyed the Bottom and some upland to the Quantity of 1000 acres. It was Showery weather.
26th. We embarked & at the same time saw a canoe coming down the river with a Red flag flying. We hailed them but they would not come to us, therefore we went to them and found them to be 2 Indians. One of them was called Dickirson who had a pass from the Commandant at Fort Pitt, to go down the River in order to collect their Hunters, and cause them to go home, as they expected a war between the white people & the Shawnese. They told us that the people on the river near Fort Pitt had left their Habitations and were gone to the fort, But expected they were retuming again to their hornes. That they thought it would be made up again. They said the white people & the Indians had a skirmish & that the white people had killed 16 Indians viz. 13 Shawnees 2 Mingoes & 1 Deleware. We parted with them but were afraid that they would follow us. Therefore Mr. Floyd Mr. Taylor Mr. Douglas & and an other man got into a canoe by themselves thinking to have a further conference with the Indians, but they being fearful would not come nigh us any more. This put our people into different opinions as to what to do. Some were for going down the river by way of the Mississippi. But Mr. Floyd and the rest of the surveyors were determined to do the business they came on, If not repulsed by a greater force than themselves. We proceeded to Otter Creek, 4 miles and Mr. Taylor surveyed the Bottom containing 1000 acres. Good Land.
27th. We went down the River 7 miles where Mr . Taylor made another survey, and then went 4 miles further where we encampt.
28th. Mr. Floyd made a survey of 2000 acres of upland & proceeded 8 miles down the river to an Island. The upland is very good.
29th. We left the Island & went down to the falls 12 miles, & encampt on an Island at the Fall. Mr. Douglas surveyed the Shore from Harrod's Creek to Bear Grass creek.
30th. Mr Douglass made a survey at the falls, for Dr. Connelly, of 4000 acres. Here is a large body of flat land, which is indifferant next to the River but a Piece back it is very good land.
3lst. Our Company divided, Mr. Taylor Mr Douglas & their Companies went towards Harrad's Creek, to make their surveys, & Mr. Floyd with Mr. Hite stayed 011 the land next to the Falls & surveyed. Floyd made a survey.
June 1st 1774 We made a survey of 1000 acres for Col. Preston. Good land & well watered, including part of Bear Grass Creek, & another small Creek running through it. Mr. Floyd & Mr. Hite made a survey each, of 1000 acres, one for Mr. Boyer & the other for Mr. Ware. Roderick Mc Cra got lost today. Mr. Douglass joined us again, & had surveyed 7000 acres.
3rd. Mr. Floyd & Mr. Douglass made a survey of 1000 acres for Mr. Mc Corkle & Mr. Hite surveyed another 1000 acres. Roderick refused to carry the Chain & went into the country by which means he got lost again.
4th. We waited all day for Roderick fearing the Indians had met with him, therefore left our camp & lodged on a rising Hill that night.
5th. We returned to our camp & found that Roderick had been there. We called & he came to us then went with our package 4 miles up the Creek & surveyed 1000 acres for Mr. Dandridge.
6th. Mr. Floyd surveyed 1000 acres for himself . very good land & full of springs. Mr. Douglass surveyed another 1000 acres.
7th. The company scattered to look for good land. Mr. Floyd wlth Allen found a large tract.
8th. Mr. Floyd took 2 men & surveyed the land Which he found to be 7000 acres. Mr. Douglass surveyed 2000 -- One for himself the other for Mr. Christian.
9th. Mr. Floyd & the two men retumed this evening.
10th. We went to the waters of Salt River, 3 miles. there are several pieces of land not yet surveyed.
llth. We lay in camp & some hunted for meat as we were quite out of meat ,
June 12th. We packd up our alls & marched for Salt Lick near Salt River, 12 miles bearing to the South West. We passed a large body of good land well watered & well timbered.
13th. Mr. Douglass made a surveyior Mr. Christian of 1000 acres, round the Lick, then marched off for Salt River. We went five miles & met with a branch & called it Floyd's River. The land is broken and stony.
14th. We proceeded up Salt River 20 miles & found it very crooked, the land chiefly stony hills, except one small bottom.
15th. It rained & thundered, which caused us to stay in camp. Nox & Allen seemed very sullen, & left the camp which made us imagine they had a mind to leave us. But in the evening they returned again dried their blankets & stayed with us that night. Mr. Floyd did not like the land here.
June 16th. We rose early and began our joumey up the River. Nox & Allen walked so fast that they left the rest of the Company, & we never saw them more. Mr. Douglas killed an Elk, therefore we stopped to breakfast. We travelled 25 miles, the land good for nothing.
17th. We traveled but six miles as it was showery. The land begins to be tolerably good. Mr. Floyd says he is not very well.
18th. Mr. Floyd is very bad & cannot sit up, therefore we must stay, & have no nourishment for him.
19th. Mr. Floyd geting Worse we gave him an Indian Sweat, which gave him Some ease but weakened him very much. It thundered, & rained this afternoon.
20th. Mr. Floyd being something better Mr. Hite & Mr. Nash went in search of Kentucky river, at night they retumed they said they thought they had been on the waters of the little Kentucky.
21st. Mr. F1oyd finding himself better ventured to march again. But as he was very weak we only went 6 miles, about N. E. Course, & crossed the river, the land is good. 22nd. We rose early this morning & traveled very sloly, for the space of 9 miles. & Roderick was taken in of Fever & ague, which caused us to stop. The land is good & well watered & timbered. We crossed a branch of Salt river bearing N. E. It rained & thundered most of the night.
23rd. We divided into two Parties, went up a branch to a fork, made by another Creek & then began a survey of 10000 acres, which took us to the waters of Kentucky. We run our Elld line two miles & half N. and our side line 6 miles & quarter E. [?] acres of it is good land, the other 2000, is broken next to the waters of the Kentucky. Here we waited for Mr. Douglas and Company.
24th. We were short of provision. Mr. Douglas joined us in the afternoon & as Mr. Nash had killed two Elks about 4 miles down the Creek, We went to them, about a N. N. W. Course but was obliged to carry Roderick's pack for him as he was very sick.
25th. We traveled about 17 miles different courses which brought us to the Kentucky on a small creek: We heard the Voice of one man calling to all other, which made us imagine there were Indians about therefore as soon as night came on we went about 3 miles up the river & lay without fire. The land was broken that we traveled over this day.
26th. We traveled 7 miles up the river & made a bark Canoe by which we crossed the river. -- As soon as we had crossed it we heard the report of a gun, we therefore travelled a little way up the river & then took off into the country. We traveled about 12 miles E. S. E. which brought us to Elk-Horn Creek , where we found some good land.
27th. Mr. Floyd & Mr. Douglas surveyed the good land we saw yesterday, Containing near 3000 acres.
28th. We traveled a S. E. Course to a small Creek, & Mr. Floyd went a land hunting & found Mr. Taylor's last years line, of 20,000 acres, surveyed by him on Elk-Horn Creek.
29th. Mr. Douglas made a survey of 2000 acres which joins Mr. F1oyds survey. Mr. Floyd went out to examine land.
30th. Mr. Floyd went to the Creek & there found Mr. Taylor's old corner, & began at the same to survey; He surveyed 6000 acres, but in running the back line found a new marked line, by which he knew that Mr . Taylor had been there, & we left off surveying.
July 1st. 1774. Mr. Floyd & Nash went in search of Taylor & Co., whom they found in a short time, & who took us to their Camp about 8 miles up the river at a large spring. All the land that we passed over today is like a Paradise it is so good & beautiful.
July 2nd. 1774. Mr. Taylor went with Mr. Floyd to shew him where he might begin, to be clear of his survey.

July 3rd. Mr. Taylor returned but Mr. Floyd & Nash went farther into the Country that he might judge how to lay his survey.
4th. Mr. Floyd having not returned, Mr. Douglas sent out a man to look out land for him.
5th. Mr. Floyd returned & seemed well pleased at what he had found. It thundered & rained this day.
6th. Mr. Floyd, Nash, Mc Cra & Hanson left the rest of the company with an agreement to meet at Mr. Harrod's Cabbin 20 miles off, higher on the Kentucky, 9 on the first of August, as they thought that we would all be done surveying by that time. We went to one of the main branches of Elk Horn Creek, & there began our survey, it thundered & rained.
7th. We continued our survey & had to swim the Creek, with our Gun, & Packs, on our heads. Our surveys begin on the North branch of the Elk Horn Creek, about 7 or 8 miles from the forks.
8th. We continued our Surveys, the lines all running paraleI with each other -- running in length N 20 E. in breadth, S. 70 E. The land is so good that I cannot give it its due praise. Its under growth is Clover Pea vine Cane & Nettles intermixed with Rich weed. Its Timber is Honey Locust, Black walnut, Sugar tree, Hickory, iron wood, Hoop wood, Mulberry, Ash, & Elm, & some Oak.
9th. We surveyed part of the day -- then Mr. Floyd & Nash went in search of a spring, which they found, & here abouts we continued our Surveying til the 18th. day of the month, One plot joining another, & all of eaqual goodness, Well watered. Then we returned to Floyd's Spring.87
19th. We leveled Mr. Floyd's Spring, & found it to have a fall of 13 feet 7 inches.
2oth. We began Mr. Floyds survey of 1000 acres about his spring, which is the largest I have ever seen, in the whole country and forms a creek of itself.
21st. We finished M'r. Floyd's -- Survey, & set off for the Cabbin & traveled 20 miles & Campt. The land all good & level that we passed over today.
22nd. We changed our course to the S. W. & struck the River in 10 miles traveling, a little above Dicks river which is 10 miles above the Cabbin. We kept down the river about 8 miles. The land near the river is high Hills with Cliffs of Rocks facing the river on both sides, which is lime Stone. ( Mr. Floyd says that he observed some free stone there also)
23rd. We Crossed the river, some of us on a Raft with our packs & Guns, & others of us Swam over. We then traveled out straight into the Country 6 miles & lay down.
24th. We Steared West Course to find the road that is between Salt River & the Cabin & we found it in 4 miles travel & proceeded to the Cabin 4 miles further . At our arrival we were surprised to find every thing squandered upon the ground & two fires burning. Mr. Floyd & Nash went down to the landing place & found these words wrote on a tree. Alarmed by finding some people killed we are gone down this way. Mr. Hite's & Mr. Douglas party that arrived here 2 days before us, which we knew by a note found there, We took a Canoe we found here & crossed the river, & traveled 8 miles north into the Country. We made search for Mr. Floyd's saddle bags but could not find them.
25th. We Steered our Course E. S. E. which brought us in sight of the river again, therefore we changed our course E. N. E. 6 miles, & then stopt for the night. We were in a very bad plight for traveling home but about 15 rounds of powder, & none of us knew the way, the land here is good.
26th. We traveled 22 miles -- 16 of them an E. Course. & 6 N. E. the land all good except 4 miles with several Creeks running through it.
27th. We traveled 22 miles E. Course 12 miles of it good land.
28th. We traveled 20 miles as near E. as the mountains would let us, crossing north branch of Kentucky. The mountains here were so steep, that we were obliged to throw all away that we had, except our Knit Leggins & Mockasons.
29th. We changed our course to the S. E. as we thought we were too far North & traveled but 18 miles, the mountains so steep and tiresome.
30th. We traveled but 9 miles a S. E. course & then were obliged to hunt, as our provisions were out. We crossed another branch of Kentucky,
3lst. We traveled about 4 miles on another branch of Kentucky, leading E. Mr. Floyd had a very sore foot which caused us to stop here.
Aug. 1st. 1774 We traveled about 25 miles S. E. & came on another branch of Kentucky that we crossed which did not lead on our course.
2nd. We traveled about 25 miles, & came on the 3rd branch of Kentucky that we crossed.
3rd. We traveled up the river 20 miles. Its chief bearing is a S. E. Course small bottoms on the River.
4th. We traveled 5 miles up the river & met with a gang of Buffaloes, killed two & provided ourselves with Provisions.
5th. We traveled 30 miles up the river still bearing to the Southward of East small bottoms along the river.
July [Aug.]6th. We traveled 17 miles up the River Easterly, then it turned Northward, which made us leave it, & go up a branch bearing Eastward I mile. We passed a large Vein of Cole, that makes its appearance in the River Bank.
July [Aug.] 7th. We traveled up the branch -- to a large mountain which we found to be Cumberland Mountain. We think we came 30 miles this day.
8th. We had a blazed road which took us through the gap of a large mountain, & brought us to the head of Powels river, where we lost the Blazes, and steared our Course over the mountain, S. E. which brought us on Guess's River a water of Clinch River, running nearly east, & we traveled this day 30 miles.
9th. We kept that River in sight til we came to Clinch river in the afternoon to Mr. Blackburns near the Rye Cove where we found them forted in, prepared for war with the Shawnees.

Big Bone History





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